Although we said that prog-rockers tried to move away from the blues roots of rock music, there were bands that actively used them. For example, Jethro Tull combined heavy guitars and blues with medieval and folk music. The proportions were changing all the time, the musicians were thrown from one style to another for a long time. But in that time they managed to create their own recognizable sound.
The key role in it was played by the band’s leader Ian Anderson – vocalist, guitarist and one of the most talented flutists in the world. He was the first to use the flute in rock music, and his crazy style and virtuosity immediately distinguished the band from other rock projects.
An important trump card of the band has always been the live shows. Anderson’s humor and artistry made even people who were far from music fall in love with the band. And that is why, despite Jethro Tull’s complicated music, they are still very successful commercially.
You can start listening to Jethro Tull from any song and album – they are beautiful in every way.